
Thursday 19 November 2015

Why is everything so hard?!

Why is it as women, we worry and stress about everything??

Being 8 months pregnant, with a 3 year old going on 15.. is ruddy hard!

Now I know full well, that I am not the only pregnant women of toddlers. And I know full well that every pregnant women has stages of where they just feel like, is it really worth it? When really, YES. Yes it is totally worth it.

Those uncomfortable sleepless nights, BEFORE you even have your noisy bundle of joy in your arms. The raging, uncontrollable hormones. HATE THEM!

As you can tell, I am having a very hormonal, emotional, fed up rant. Feeling like I am the size of a house. Having emotional breakdowns every hour. And worrying about everything.

With everything that's going on in the world at present too. It does make you worry about even more! But then it also makes you think... Is all this worrying really worth it? Look what has happened in the world. The world that OUR children will be growing up in. The world that I have so happily decided to put another innocent, tiny human being into!
It makes you think. And it makes you question why you're sat there stressing and crying about why the hubby hasn't done the dishes when he agreed it was 'his turn'. Or when your 3 year old just...won't...sleep!!

Being a mother is hard...Being a parent is hard. Raise them well, and be grateful.

Lots of love,

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A very pregnant Mummy :(

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Things have been a bit manic....

As you're all aware, I am currently pregnant with my second little bundle of pink joy!! So, of course things get a bit hectic. Especially when you have a challenging 3 year old.
I say challenging.. But really she's a diamond. Mummy's hormones are just messing with her patience to ANY toddler.  Worlds best mum over here!!

Anyway.. Things have been hectic, and I've not had a minute to myself. A good start to the blogging, hey??

From sunday onwards, hubby and I have literally powered on and its been all things baby!
My doorbell has never been pressed so many times. Delivery after delivery. Which is very, very exciting, but my gosh am I exhausted!!

So far this week, I have built a pushchair, installed an isofix and a car seat into the car, and organised a mountain of baby grows. AND....There is more to come!!!!

So what I am trying to say is, sorry for the lack of posts. As you Mum's will understand it can be a bit overwhelming in the last few weeks of pregnancy. So please hang tight, and I'll be sure to give you something more interesting!

Maybe a look at my pushchair?? And I will also be organising my hospital bag very, very soon. So that is something you will be seeing also.

Lots of love,


Sunday 15 November 2015

32 week pregnancy update with baby number 2!!

Well, today I am 32 weeks pregnant with my second daughter. Can you actually believe it? I know I can't.
I'm now at that stage where everything is such hard work and takes twice the effort. I'm usually in bed by 9pm. I know, so rock'n'roll!!! And I struggle to walk more than 100 metres without being out of breath or needing a rest. So unfit hehe!

How far along: 32 weeks. 
Total weight gain so far: Thankfully, only 13lbs!
Maternity clothes: Of course!! I swear by topshops maternity jeans, and just living in Primark cardigans! 
Stretch marks: Funnily enough, no! I had an awful lot from being pregnant with my first daughter, Phoebe. And with this pregnancy they just have stayed the same? Strange really! 
Sleep: Sorry what is sleep??? Seriously, being pregnant definitely gets you ready for a newborn!! That and a snoring other half!! Hehe.
Best moment this week: Dave and I officially have bought everything we needed for this baby girls arrival. Yes, we are finally prepared and ready to welcome this littlest one into our family. Exciting!!!
Miss anything: SLEEP!!!!! And pate on toast haha! 
Movement: Thankfully this little lady is a proper little wriggly bum!! With my first daughter, Phoebe. I was actually induced as she had reduced movements towards the end due to a slight lack of oxygen through her cord. 
Cravings: Not really... Just crave sleep!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No not this week. Last week I had a funny turn towards cauliflower cheese!!  Strange.
Gender: If you haven't guessed, another little girl. Go team pink!! 
Labour signs: Thankfully, no!!
Belly button in or out: Inny! 
Wedding rings on or off: Off! 
Happy or moody most of the time: Oh it varies!!
Looking forward too: This week I'm looking forward to the pushchairs arrival!! Hehehe!

See you all next week for another pregnancy update!! 


Saturday 14 November 2015

Dealing with toddler tantrums!

So, we've all been there. As mummy's to a child under...5? It's a part of our official job description to deal with the awfulness that is tantrums! Absolute meltdowns can happen at anytime.

For me, this hasn't happened for some time. My child is 3, and is officially a "big girl". No need for these terrible tantrums, right?... Wrong!!

It hits you when you're least expecting it.

Monday afternoon, pre school pick up. Just like any other pre school pick up. No worries! 

Except on this Monday afternoon, I decided it would be wise to park in the actual pre school car park (mainly to make my life easier, as it's literally 5 feet from the door!) Much to my toddlers dismay... Well, she wanted to walk past the park. Like we do "every pre school day". Well that wasn't acceptable and it went from 0-100 very, very quickly. 

There was just no reasoning with her. She turned into this wailing, floppy demon child. Now I'm 8 months pregnant. And trying to pick this large 3 year old child into the car, was like an honest mission! Where's your husband when you need him!!? 

Every other pre school mum is walking past and watching you in complete horror. "Look at that mum!"...."she can't even handle her 3 year old"...."bad parenting right there!".... Or at least that's what goes through your head in this awful, embarrassing moment. 

When truthfully, every single mum that walks past and "stares"... Is 99% of the time feeling completely sorry for you and wishing you all the best.
We've all been there, after all!

My point is, Monday was just an absolute, hormonal mess for me. And I sobbed and sobbed my heart out for the rest of the day. "I'm such a terrible mum!!!"

When really, no! I'm not! I'm a flipping good mum, who loves her children dearly. Even when they are complete lunatics and you think "who has raised you to be like this demon!!!!?"
I'm doing a great job, and that's very difficult as mums for us to remember. 
It's not always easy, and it is the most challenging job we will ever have. 

But would we change it? I know I wouldn't. 

Keep strong Mums!!


Thursday 12 November 2015

It's been a while....

Well, it certainly has been a while!! 

Let's just say I didn't have the best start at this blogging malarkey! 

A lot certainly has changed in the time I've been "away". 

Well, I say a lot. Really only one single thing has changed. And that is that I am very nearly a mother of 2! Can you actually believe it? January 2016, I am going to be a mother of two very special little girls. 

I'm currently on maternity leave, and I've promised myself I will use this time wisely, and really dedicate myself to building a good blog. Let's be honest, I've got a lot of spare time now!! 

So you will be hearing from me much more frequently from now. I've sat down and got myself a lot of inspiration to get started.
So let's see where this takes us... Eeek!

